[url=?id=5][b]体验课 ONE-OFF CLASS[/b] [p]还没有主意?想做个礼物?又或者团建Party? 体验课是你最好的选择![/p][p]Not sure what to do? Want to make a special gift? Planning a group event or a party? One-off class would be your best choice![/p][/url] [url=?id=9][b]桌上器物课 Table ware class[/b] [p]给生活加点味道,专业陶艺老师现场指导, 快来给自己做一套独一无二的食用器物吧![/p][p]Professional pottery teacher on-site guidance, Come and make yourself a unique food set![/p][/url] [url=?id=6][b]手捏初级 Pinching Basic[/b] [p]可以学习到手捏成型的技巧,制作从小碟子到茶壶 多种器皿,适合陶艺初学者学习。[/p][p]Will be able to learn to use pinching make all kinds of ceramic vessels, from small plate to teapot. A great skill for beginners![/p][/url] [url=?id=7][b]初级拉坯 Throwing Basic[/b] [p]定期上课,专业陶艺老师手把手教授! 让你的陶艺学习更有效率![/p][p]Join our regular classes, meet news friends! We will help you to make your study well planned![/p][/url]